Archive for October, 2011



October 6, 2011

Sonic-Sega – was an project in my second year of University. We been given a theme, which we could developed any way and use any media we wanted. I set the image of Sonic with 14pt Universe font (bold, medium and light), so you could see all the details on the image, and than use the letterpress to print different colours.


Snowboard Graphics

October 6, 2011

I am interested in both snowboarding and design. With an increasingly growing and popular market for edgy and electric board design, I’ve explored the opportunity of designing for this medium. There’s so much room for experimentation with colour and typography, another passion of mine.

Over the summer I collected a variety of cider labels, each with its own individual design and lots of typography. I have combined all of my interests by creating a snowboard graphics, which promotes a British cider. I have been asked to donate them to promote a cider at the British pub in Kent.